• Unlimited Access

    Browse  |  Subscribe now

    This subscription is an exceptional value given the quality, range and depth of the teaching available in this library. The material is a gold mine of information, representing the synthesis of 40 years of study and practice of pure homeopathy, as practiced by the masters of the past.

  • Homeopathy Practicum 2025

    1 video  |   Buy $425

    Join Dr. André Saine by webinar as he takes the case of 8 new patients, approximately 3 hours in duration, over the next 12 months (averaging 1-2 per month - some months are skipped).

  • Intro to Homeopathy & Alzheimer's Prevention

    2 videos  |   Buy $200

    A 7 hour course that includes a brief history of homeopathy, the principles of homeopathy, what remedies are made of and how they are (uniquely) prepared, how to treat loved ones with acute problems which includes gathering the particular symptoms you need to identify a remedy and then remedy sel...

  • Introduction to Homeopathy with Lisa Samet ND

    1 video  |   Buy $150

    A 7 hour course that includes a brief history of homeopathy, the principles of homeopathy, what remedies are made of and how they are (uniquely) prepared, how to treat loved ones with acute problems which includes gathering the particular symptoms you need to identify a remedy and then remedy sel...

  • Homeopathy Practicum 2024

    17 videos  |   Buy $360

    Join Dr. André Saine by webinar as he takes the case of 8 new patients, approximately 3 hours in duration, over the next 12 months (averaging 1-2 per month - some months are skipped).

  • MMPP Banz Seminar 2023

    5 videos  |   Buy $670

    MMPP Banz 2023

  • Homeopathy Practicum 2023

    19 videos  |   Buy $300

    Had Enough Theory? Sharpen Your Practical Skills!

    Join Dr. André Saine by webinar as he takes the case of 9 new patients, approximately 3-4 hours in duration, over the next 12 months (averaging 1-2 per month - some months are skipped).

    Each live case will be followed the next morning by another...

  • LIVE 5-Day Online Course (2022)- DAY 5

    1 video  |   Buy $80

    LIVE date: October 21st, 2022
    TOPIC: Calcium fluoricum + An interesting case of A. Saine

    Practical aspects of the course

    • Daily recordings of the webinar will be available, so anyone can follow the course regardless of the inconvenience of the different time zones. Registrants will receive a d...

  • LIVE 5-Day Online Course (2022)- DAY 4

    1 video  |   Buy $80

    LIVE date: October 20th, 2022
    TOPIC: Analysis of the live anamnesis +
    New findings in the scope of writing about Lippe

    Practical aspects of the course

    • Daily recordings of the webinar will be available, so anyone can follow the course regardless of the inconvenience of the different time zon...

  • LIVE 5-Day Online Course (2022)- DAY 3

    1 video  |   Buy $80

    LIVE date: October 19th, 2022
    TOPIC: Live anamnesis of a new patient of Dr. Saine, probably with a
    severe pathology, e.g., advanced stage cancer

    Practical aspects of the course

    • Daily recordings of the webinar will be available, so anyone can follow the course regardless of the inconvenience ...

  • LIVE 5-Day Online Course (2022)- DAY 2

    1 video  |   Buy $80

    LIVE date October 18th, 2022
    TOPIC: New findings in the scope of writing about Lippe +
    Summary of Thuja + Follow up of the Live Case from 2021

    Practical aspects of the course

    • Daily recordings of the webinar will be available, so anyone can follow the course regardless of the inconvenience of...

  • LIVE 5-Day Online Course (2022)- DAY 1

    1 video  |   Buy $80

    LIVE October 17th, 2022
    TOPIC: Fluoricum acidum + An interesting case of A. Saine

    Practical aspects of the course

    • Daily recordings of the webinar will be available, so anyone can follow the course regardless of the inconvenience of the different time zones. Registrants will receive a daily li...

  • MMPP 5-Day Online Course 2022

    5 videos  |   Buy $370

    An international online course will be held again this year in replacement of the annual one-week course that Dr. André Saine has given in Niendorf, Germany for the last 15 years. The advantage of this format is that many more homeopaths from around the world will be able to benefit from his extr...

  • Niendorf FULL 5-DAY Online Course II (2021)

    5 videos  |   Buy $400

    An international online course will be held again this year in replacement of the annual one-week course that Dr. André Saine has given in Niendorf, Germany for the last 15 years. The advantage of this format is that many more homeopaths from around the world will be able to benefit from his extr...

  • Niendorf Course II (2021) Day 5

    1 video  |   Buy $90

    October 15
    Topic: Risks and benefits of vaccination in general and of COVID -19 vaccination in particular+ COVID-19 update: Presentation of COVID-19 and treatment of the COVID-19 patient + a second interesting COVID-19 case of A. Saine.

  • Niendorf Course II (2021) Day 4

    1 video  |   Buy $90

    October 14
    Topic: Analysis of the live anamnesis + Summary of Rhus Tox + If you are only

  • Niendorf Course II (2021) Day 3

    1 video  |   Buy $90

    October 13
    Topic: Live anamnesis of a new patient of Dr. Saine, probably with a severe pathology, e.g., advanced stage cancer.

  • Niendorf Course II (2021) Day 2

    1 video  |   Buy $90

    October 12
    Topic: Epilobium angustifolium (MM and new proving conducted by MMPP) + Follow up of lives cases from 2020 + The scientific proof of virtue of Belladonna to prevent scarlet fever and it's implications for the current pandemic.

  • Niendorf Course II (2021) Day 1

    1 video  |   Buy $90

    October 11th
    Topic: Floricum Acidum or Clinical Novelties + An interesting chronic case of A. Saine

  • The Series: IHSG

    116 videos  |   Buy $3,280

    IHSG: The International Hahnemannian Study Group challenges homeopaths practicing pure homeopathy to preserve and advance the practice of this magnificent system of medicine. This webinar series is targeted for advanced homeopaths seeking to master pure homeopathy while collaborating with their p...

  • The Series: Materia Medica Pura project

    45 videos  |   Buy $1,565

    MMPP: The International Comparative Materia Medica Pura course which was taught live in Montreal from 2006-2013 became this webinar series in 2014. The webinars are exclusively devoted to the study of the Materia Medica, with one to two remedies taught per webinar (each webinar is 2 hours long). ...

  • The Series: ICMMP

    135 videos  |   Buy $3,340

    Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica (ICMMP): Exclusively devoted to the study of the Materia Medica, this course was taught live in Montreal from 2006-2013 (and continued in 2014 as the webinar series of the Materia Medica Pura Project (MMPP)). The remedies taught are from the newly completed ...

  • The Series: Case Analysis Case Management

    125 videos  |   Buy $3,010

    CACM- The main intent of this course (Case Analysis and Case Management) is the refinement of the physician’s prescribing skills in the practice of pure homeopathy. Case analysis and case management are the best ways to really test one’s knowledge of medicine in general and homeopathy in particul...

  • Advanced Chronic Prescribing

    20 videos  |   Buy $4,500

    Advanced Chronic Prescribing is taught by André Saine, N.D., F.C.A.H. who is a leader in the field of homeopathy. Dr. Saine has a great enthusiasm for teaching and a wealth of clinical experience. It is from this experience that the course is taught, with live case taking and real clinical exampl...

  • Psychiatry

    4 videos  |   Buy $1,335

    Homeopathy can successfully address most of the common psychiatric acute and chronic conditions from neurosis to psychosis. We review in this part of the course examination and treatment of psychiatric patients through paper cases, differentiation of what is common versus what is peculiar and dif...

  • How to Study Materia Medica

    2 videos  |   Buy $645

    The objectives of this section are to first have the student understand how to study and research the Materia Medica with a review of the most important works and their use, and secondly, to develop an understanding of the most used remedies through comparative Materia Medica.

    How to study the M...

  • Case Taking
    2 videos  |   Buy $575

    Case Taking

    2 videos  |   Buy $575


    The interview: a thorough review of the basic method, different strategies and interpretation of different answers
    The art of perception
    Horizontal and vertical vision
    Objective symptoms
    Examination of the patient
    Case t...

  • Essentials of Acute and Chronic Prescribing

    22 videos  |   Buy $690

    The Roadmap to Mastery in Genuine Homeopathy and in Naturopathic Medicine

    This course provides excellent training in acute and chronic prescribing, with methodical instruction in case taking and analysis, prescription, and follow-up. Ideally suited for practitioners wanting to achieve mastery in...

  • Essentials in Therapeutic Fasting

    4 videos  |   Buy $165

    Fasting is one of the most efficient and powerful means to facilitate self-healing and is at the same time extraordinarily complementary to homeopathy. While homeopathy enhances healing by fine-tuning the self-regulating process of the organism, fasting enhances healing by optimizing the underlyi...

  • Resolving Difficult Cases

    29 videos  |   Buy $690

    1) Revolving Cases with less commonly prescribed remedies,
    2) Tackling patients with serious pathologies, and
    3) Revolving Difficult cases.
    In this series on Resolving Difficult Cases, partly filmed live classes and part webinars, Dr. Saine discusses the ...

  • Homeopathy and Atopic Diseases

    6 videos  |   Buy $190

    Dr. Saine teaches about the homeopathic approach to patients suffering with atopic diseases such as eczema, allergies, asthma, hay fever and rhinosinusitis. Numerous case histories are presented to illustrate his points.

    So that you can obtain better clinical results with such cases, Dr. Saine a...

  • Homeopathy and Auto-immune Diseases

    6 videos  |   Buy $190

    Approximately 50 million Americans, 20 percent of the population or one in five people, suffer from autoimmunity. Dr. Saine shares his clinical experience in the homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from autoimmunity.

    During the seminar, Dr. Saine presents ten cases and guide us through c...

  • Homeopathy in Surgery and Advanced First Aid

    2 videos  |   Buy $430

    Homeopaths who were also surgeons developed great expertise on the possibility of homeopathy for dealing with surgical conditions homeopathically. The most common surgical and first-aid conditions are reviewed through differential materia medica.

    Also clear instructions are given on how to prepa...

  • Case Analysis

    2 videos  |   Buy $645

    The totality of symptoms
    Classification and valuation of symptoms
    Finding the genius of the case
    Finding the simillimum
    Dissimilar diseases
    Complex diseases

  • Philosophy of Homeopathy

    2 videos  |   Buy $435

    This part of the program presents the fundamental principles of homeopathic doctrine through the study of important works such as the Organon and Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases.

    A. The Basis of Medicine

    Medicine: the definition of medicine, the scope of medicine, five basic principles of classica...

  • Epilepsy
    1 video  |   Buy $260


    1 video  |   Buy $260

    Epilepsy has its own section as a neurological condition, as homeopathy has a vast experience in the treatment of epileptic patients, which is reviewed through paper cases in terms of the examination of the patient, differentiation of what is common versus what is peculiar and differential materi...

  • Neurology
    1 video  |   Buy $395


    1 video  |   Buy $395

    The most common neurological conditions and multiple sclerosis in particular are reviewed through paper and live cases in terms of the examination of the patient and differentiation of what is common versus what is peculiar, which can only be acquired through clinical experience.

  • Pneumonia
    1 video  |   Buy $130


    1 video  |   Buy $130

    Homeopathy offers the best-documented treatment in all of medicine for patients with all types and degrees of severity of pneumonia. In this part of the course, examination and treatment of pneumonia patients are reviewed with paper cases, differentiation of what is common versus what is peculiar...

  • Homeopathic Prophylaxis

    1 video  |   Buy $115

    Homeopathy has a very long history of using homeopathic remedies for prophylactic purposes. What can be treated under the principles of similarity can also be prevented. Hahnemann did his first experiment in homeoprophylaxis in 1799 during an epidemic of scarlet fever. In an extensive review of t...

  • Rheumatology

    1 video  |   Buy $225

    Homeopathy has an excellent record in the treatment of rheumatic patients, regardless of the etiology, such as infection or autoimmunity. Paper cases of patients with rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and polymyositis are reviewed with special emphasis on ...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura X

    8 videos  |   Buy $220

    Learn the characteristics of important remedies and improve your practice success. Additions to the repertory are also made available to the participants with this course Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP).

    REMEDIES REVIEWED: Arist-cl, Conium, Tilia

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura IX

    8 videos  |   Buy $220

    Learn the characteristics of important remedies and improve your practice success with the course Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP). Additions to the repertory are also made available to the participants.

    REMEDIES REVIEWED: Asaf, Cimic, Dios, Manc

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura VIII

    8 videos  |   Buy $220

    Characteristic symptoms are illustrated, as well their interpretation into the language of the repertory. Additions to the repertory are also made available to the participants with this course Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP).

    REMEDIES REVIEWED: Chin-ar., Ars-s-r., Quas., Bo...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura VII

    17 videos  |   Buy $490

    Come and listen to the greatest advancement in our materia medica since the time of Hering and T. F. Allen with this course Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP).

    The genius is added and additions to the repertory are made, making them both formidable improvements to the two clinic...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura VI

    21 videos  |   Buy $490

    This course, Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP), has evolved over the years into an international cooperative project to systematically upgrade our materia medica and repertories. All provings, cured cases, pertinent toxicological reports and reliable clinical experience on a rem...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura V

    13 videos  |   Buy $490

    Dr. Saine’s exhaustive research in old journals has unearthed many important symptoms from original provings and cured cases. Experienced practitioners gave this course a standing ovation in Germany, 2009 and many have claimed increased clinical success resulting from the course. Illustrated Comp...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura IV

    14 videos  |   Buy $490

    Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP) compares and contrasts remedies with a multitude of vivid case illustrations making the remedies easy to assimilate. Dr. Saine’s exhaustive research in old journals has unearthed many important symptoms from original provings and cured cases. Ex...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura III

    16 videos  |   Buy $490

    Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP) compares and contrasts remedies, with a multitude of vivid case illustrations from Dr. Saine’s clinical experience and research in old journals, making the remedies easy to assimilate. Experienced practitioners gave this course a standing ovatio...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura II

    22 videos  |   Buy $490

    The course Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP) compares and contrasts remedies, sprinkled with cases and anecdotes from Dr. Saine’s clinical practice which makes the material come to life. Experienced practitioners gave it rave reviews when presented in Europe in the Fall of 2005,...

  • Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura I

    18 videos  |   Buy $490

    Offered for the first time in North America, the course Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP) compares and contrasts over 70 remedies, sprinkled with cases and anecdotes from Dr. Saine’s clinical practice which makes the material come to life. Experienced practitioners gave it rave ...

  • Materia Medica Pura Project VII

    5 videos  |   Buy $250

    In 2020, we will continue to concentrate on remedies that are often indicated in cancer patients for the following reasons:

    Cancer has reached an epidemic level. with the latest estimate half of us will hear in their lifetime, “You have cancer,” while only a decade ago it was 1 in 3 persons.
    By ...

  • Materia Medica Pura Project VI

    6 videos  |   Buy $300

    In 2019, we will continue to concentrate on remedies that are often indicated in cancer patients for the following reasons:

    Cancer has reached an epidemic level. with the latest estimate, half of us will hear in their lifetime, “You have cancer,” while only a decade ago it was 1 in 3 persons.


  • Materia Medica Pura Project V

    4 videos  |   Buy $220

    The Materia Medica Pura Project webinar is the presentation of newly completed monographs by the MMPP group. We will continue to concentrate on remedies often indicated in cancer patients among other remedies, such as Natrum carbonic.

    Webinars were held on Wednesdays between 1:30-3:30 PM (EST)


  • Materia Medica Pura Project IV

    4 videos  |   Buy $220

    The Materia Medica Pura Project webinar is the presentation of newly completed monographs by the MMPP group. In 2017, we will continue to concentrate on remedies often indicated in cancer patients among other remedies, such as Natrum carbonic.

    Coupled with the International Hahnemannian Study Gr...

  • Materia Medica Pura Project III

    5 videos  |   Buy $275

    In the first three of this 2016 series of webinars, we will solely focus on Conium maculatum, as the completion of its monograph has greatly extended the range of its indications beyond patients with cancerous or neurological conditions, as, for instance, in cases of sensitive persons or with ail...

  • Materia Medica Pura Project II

    11 videos  |   Buy $275

    Coupled with the International Hahnemannian Study Group Webinars, these webinars will be exclusively devoted to the study of the Materia Medica. As a rule Dr. André Saine will present two remedies per webinar which are the newly completed review and updating work coming out of the Materia Medica ...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group XII

    4 videos  |   Buy $200

    In 2020 we will continue to focus on the homeopathic treatment of the cancer patient, as it is a real challenge and any acquirement of mastery on this subject should be applicable to the rest of the practice of homeopathy.

    8 Hours

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group XI

    6 videos  |   Buy $250

    In 2019 we will continue to focus on the homeopathic treatment of the cancer patient, as it is a real challenge and any acquirement of mastery on this subject should be applicable to the rest of the practice of homeopathy. After having studied in the last few years the works on the homeopathic ap...

  • Niendorf 2020 FULL 7-Day Online Course

    13 videos  |   Buy $495

    FROM September 28th to October 6th, 2020

  • Online Course Niendorf 2020 Day 7

    2 videos  |   Buy $85

    Hecla Lava & Case Study of Patient with Retinitis Pigmentosa

  • Online Course Niendorf 2020 Day 6

    2 videos  |   Buy $85

    The Live Case Analysis & “If Your Are Only, You Are Not”

  • Online Course Niendorf 2020 Day 5

    1 video  |   Buy $85

    Live Case Taking- Multiple Myeloma Stage 3

  • Online Course Niendorf 2020 Day 2

    2 videos  |   Buy $85

    The materia medica of Symphytum (a newly upgraded monograph); Radical cures—The promised land of medicine and how to obtain them.

  • Online Course Niendorf 2020 Day 1

    2 videos  |   Buy $85

    Vaccinations: A Wholistic Perspective

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group X

    5 videos  |   Buy $220

    Numerous inspiring cancer cases resolved; Burnett’s Nosodes & The Curability of Tumors; Kaluschke: Cases Declared Incurable; Helmuth: The Influence of Homeopathy Upon Surgery; Transcription of Letters by Hahnemann; Blackwood: Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) Observations; Jones: The Successful Treatment...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group IX

    6 videos  |   Buy $220

    Numerous inspiring cancer cases resolved; Jones: Cancer: Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment; supplementary supportive approaches for the patient with cancer (local application of remedy, hydrotherapy, dealing with cachexia, sleep, blood tests, diet, energy, immune boosting, detox, supplements, bo...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group VIII

    4 videos  |   Buy $165

    Numerous inspiring cancer cases resolved; the Work of Julius Peterman; Gilchirst: On Tumors; Allen: About Cancer; numerous articles on cancer; Hayes: Homeopathy and Tumors 1932 & 1940 plus cases; Allen: After Surgery Had Done its Best; Jones: Cancer; Bell: Cancer: Its Cause and treatment without ...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group VII

    12 videos  |   Buy $275

    A case of leukemia and numerous inspiring cancer cases; Taylor: The Usual Remedies Failed, case of TB; Hayes: Requisites for Successful Homeopathic Prescribing; Cooper: Cancer and Cancer Symptoms & Arborivital Medicine & many short articles on treatment of cancer patient; Kent: Remedies Related t...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group VI

    7 videos  |   Buy $275

    Numerous Case Analyses with Repertorization and Discussion, Absolute Simillimum; article, Allen: The Selection of the Homeopathic Remedy; case of convulsions; Gregg: High Over Low Potencies; Materia Medica Conference article; Boericke’s article; study Kali phos.; 8 cases with mental disorders; l...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group V

    13 videos  |   Buy $375

    Numerous Case Analyses with Repertorization and Discussion, articles by Klinkenberg: Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer (parts 1,2,3); Kimball: The Relative Value of Symptoms; case of cardiac failure; Morgan: The Study of Homeopathy; study of Hahnemann’s Organon and Lesser Writings; Factors Increasi...

  • Online Course Niendorf 2020 Day 4

    2 videos  |   Buy $85

    Materia Medica of Carboneum oxygenisatum

  • Online Course Niendorf 2020 Day 3

    2 videos  |   Buy $85

    The Genius Of Bryonia

  • Alzheimer's Disease Prevention with Lisa Samet ND

    1 video  |   Buy $100

    A 2 hour course about the many strategies available to us to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

    If you’re 45+ or you have a parent with Alzheimer’s disease, this material is particularly relevant for you!


    Did you know that:
    50% of people will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s by age 85, though the d...

  • Cancer and Homeopathy

    24 videos  |   Buy $335

    The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy was pleased to present this 4-day lecture in beautiful Costa Rica on February 24 to 27, 1998. Physicians from Europe, North America and Central America attended this conference.

    The treatment of cancer patients presents one of the greatest challenges for the ex...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group IV

    17 videos  |   Buy $375

    Numerous Case Analyses with Repertorization and Discussion; Green: What is the Matter with Homeopathy?; Wilson: A Few Thoughts on the Study and Practice of Homeopathy; severe migraine case analysis; Letter from Dunham; Lippe: Clinical Reflections Article, Burnett on Congenital Defects, Life and ...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group III

    18 videos  |   Buy $375

    Numerous Case Analyses with Repertorization and Discussion. Hahnemann’s 1835 address in Paris, Errors in Prescribing; Miller: On the Comparative Value of Symptoms in the Selection of the Remedy; Hering: Genius of the Case, PP Wells: First Lecture of the Lippe Memorial Course, Taylor: The Straight...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group II

    9 videos  |   Buy $375

    Discussion of 2 articles by Guernsey on Pure Homeopathy, Numerous Case Analyses with Repertorization and Discussion, Pulford’s article on Palliative Treatment, Joslin on Pure Homeopathy, Joslin on Law of Cure, Kent‘s Observations, Kent’s Lectures, analysis of a migraine case and a sciatica case, ...

  • International Hahnemannian Study Group I

    10 videos  |   Buy $375

    Numerous cases analyzed with periodic follow-ups, discussion of Nash’s article, study of Ipecac, compared with Lobelia, study of influenza & genus epidemicus with compare/contrast of various flu remedies, lecture on how form the genius of the case, method of how to resolve difficult cases, study ...

  • Case Analysis and Case Management VII

    29 videos  |   Buy $490

    In the Case Analysis and Case Management (CACM) VII course, we will continue to focus on the treatment of patients with cancer, as it is also done in the 2019 International Hahnemannian Study Group (IHSG) webinar series.

    CACM and IHSG are complementary courses. In the CACM course, we are able to...

  • Case Analysis and Case Management VI

    23 videos  |   Buy $490

    Focus on decision-making and resolving cases of patients with cancer, including: Ewing sarcoma, lymphoma, brain tumor, colon cancer. Step by step progression of each case if followed over months and years until the final cure. Acute episodes that arise during chronic treatment are prescribed for....

  • Case Analysis and Case Management V

    15 videos  |   Buy $490

    Focus on decision-making and resolving cases with serious pathology: schizophrenia, spinal muscular atrophy, Parkinson’s disease x 2, Hodgkin’s disease, prostate cancer, MS, boy with medulloblastoma, boy with brain stem glioma, uterine fibroid and severe menorrhagia, metastasized breast cancer. S...

  • Case Analysis and Case Management IV

    15 videos  |   Buy $490

    Complex chronic cases from Dr. Saine’s practice are analyzed and resolved of patients suffering with very serious intractable chronic diseases such as: a case of psychosis, MS, polymyositis, prostate cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, spinal muscular atrophy, Duchene’s muscular dystrophy, and follow-ups ...

  • Case Analysis and Case Management III

    16 videos  |   Buy $490

    Focus is mostly on analyzing and solving chronic cases that are particularly useful for long-term case management and decision-making necessary to cure our patients. A remarkable case of Parkinson’s is studied from Dr Saine’s practice. A live case is taken mid-week to illustrate: case taking, fin...

  • Case Analysis and Case Management II

    14 videos  |   Buy $490

    Focus remains on the study of emergency and acute cases. Many short cases are covered multiplying our exposure to the many clinical situations that arise in case management requiring our good decision-making. A live case is taken mid-week to illustrate: case taking, finding the genius of the case...

  • Materia Medica Pura Project I

    9 videos  |   Buy $275

    Coupled with the International Hahnemannian Study Group Webinars, these webinars will be exclusively devoted to the study of the Materia Medica. As a rule, Dr. André Saine will present two remedies per webinar which are the newly completed review and updating work coming out of the Materia Medica...

  • Case Analysis and Case Management I

    15 videos  |   Buy $490

    The first two days consist of the study of emergency and acute cases: a child with convulsions, cases with gallstone colic, hernia, enteritis, complaints of menses, ovarian cysts pain, injuries, warts, acute rheumatism, ulcers – over 100 cases analyzed and reviewed to multiply each exposure to a ...