Essentials of Acute and Chronic Prescribing

Essentials of Acute and Chronic Prescribing

The Roadmap to Mastery in Genuine Homeopathy and in Naturopathic Medicine

This course provides excellent training in acute and chronic prescribing, with methodical instruction in case taking and analysis, prescription, and follow-up. Ideally suited for practitioners wanting to achieve mastery in homeopathy. Live case-taking and analysis vividly illustrate the material.

Taught by Dr. Saine for 16 years at the NCH and described by many as an essential prerequisite for successful practice. Evaluations from 2009 rated this course 10/10 on all points by 100% of attendees, including a medical practitioner with 25 years of experience in homeopathy!

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Essentials of Acute and Chronic Prescribing