Homeopathy Practicum 2023
Had Enough Theory? Sharpen Your Practical Skills!
Join Dr. André Saine by webinar as he takes the case of 9 new patients, approximately 3-4 hours in duration, over the next 12 months (averaging 1-2 per month - some months are skipped).
Each live case will be followed the next morning by another webinar with Dr. Saine showing his method and analysis, describing how he determined the remedy he prescribed, a differential diagnosis between possible remedies, and a discussion of any other pertinent aspects of the case. This format gives you time to analyze the case yourself and see which remedy you come up with! The analysis lasts between 30-60 minutes, and there will be time for questions.
Each new patient will have a difficult-to-treat chronic disease, which allows for a more rigorous learning experience. Both the case-taking and case-analysis sessions will be archived in case you cannot attend live, or for later review.
The cost of joining this practicum is $300 USD for the year, and it will be well worth your while as you refresh your case-taking and repertorization skills, your case analysis skills and delve deeper into differential materia medica.
Please write to [email protected] with questions.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Live case taking—A patient with Lymphoma
Case analysis—A patient with Lymphoma
Live case taking—April 13th
Case analysis—April 13th patient
Live case taking—May 10th
Case analysis—May 10th patient
Live case taking—June 14th
Case analysis—June 14th patient
Live case taking—July 26th
Case analysis—July 26th patient
Live case taking - November 22
Case analysis- November 22nd patient
Live case taking - December 6th patient
Case analysis - December 6th patient
Live case taking - January 17th, 2024 patient
Case analysis - January 17th, 2024 patient
Live Case taking - January 31, 2024
Case analysis - January 31st patient
Review of all cases - HP 2023