Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura V
Dr. Saine’s exhaustive research in old journals has unearthed many important symptoms from original provings and cured cases. Experienced practitioners gave this course a standing ovation in Germany, 2009 and many have claimed increased clinical success resulting from the course. Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura (ICMMP) compares and contrasts remedies with a multitude of vivid case illustrations making the remedies easy to assimilate.
REMEDIES REVIEWED: Ip., Lob., Am-caust., Grin., Cupr., Samb., Blatta, Ictod., Zing., Der., Sarr., Cadm-s., Orni., Acet-ac., Euph., Dirc., Kali-ar., Ap-g., Sec., Ars-m., Ars-s-f., Ars-i., Nat-ar., Chin-ar., Ind., Nit-ac., Arg-n., Chel., Kali-c.