International Hahnemannian Study Group XI

International Hahnemannian Study Group XI

In 2019 we will continue to focus on the homeopathic treatment of the cancer patient, as it is a real challenge and any acquirement of mastery on this subject should be applicable to the rest of the practice of homeopathy. After having studied in the last few years the works on the homeopathic approach to the cancer patient of Peterman, Cooper, Jones, Jackson, Burnett and Clarke, we will delves a bit deeper into the works of Burnett related to cancer, as well as the one of Somnath Mukherjee who claimed 60%-plus favorable results in over 3,000 cases he treated with cancer. The Materia Medica Pura Project webinar is the presentation of newly completed monographs by the MMPP group.

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International Hahnemannian Study Group XI