International Hahnemannian Study Group IX
Numerous inspiring cancer cases resolved; Jones: Cancer: Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment; supplementary supportive approaches for the patient with cancer (local application of remedy, hydrotherapy, dealing with cachexia, sleep, blood tests, diet, energy, immune boosting, detox, supplements, botanical medicine, stress/anxiety, QiGong); Calhoun: The Relation of Tissue Pathology to the Cause and Cure of Disorder; Woodbury: The Problem of Cancer; Peterman: Cancer and Pregnancy; Coplin: Prevention of Cancer; Boger: Finding the Simillimum in Cancer; Bulkley: Diet for Cancer Patients; Hall-Williams: Hope for Cancer; Jackson: The Importance of Mental Symptoms; Woodberry: The Problem of Cancer & The Natural Diet and Cancer & The Problem of Cancer, Pulford: Cancer ??? Ad Infinitum; Boericke: Some Uses of Conium; Winterburn: Incurable Cases Cured;
8 Hours
2017-12-13_International _Hahnemannian_Study_Group_2017