Homeopathic Prophylaxis

Homeopathic Prophylaxis

Homeopathy has a very long history of using homeopathic remedies for prophylactic purposes. What can be treated under the principles of similarity can also be prevented. Hahnemann did his first experiment in homeoprophylaxis in 1799 during an epidemic of scarlet fever. In an extensive review of the literature on the results obtained by homeopathy in epidemics, the results obtained with homeoprophylaxis are as consistent and predictable as the therapeutic results of homeopathy.

However, homeoprophylaxis can be applied beyond the prevention of infectious diseases, as it can be applied to any situation that can be anticipated, such as physical trauma (e.g., surgery) or emotional difficult times (e.g., funerals). The greater the degree of similarity between the remedy and the genius epidemicus of the incidental disease or condition, the more successful will homeoprophylaxis be.

In this part of the course, we review the principles of posology and remedy selection for homeoprophylaxis.

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Homeopathic Prophylaxis